
目前分類:Jenkins (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Use cURL to trigger Jenkins job.

1. Enable “Trigger builds remotely”, and enter the “Authentication Token”.


How to Use cURL to Trigger Jen

2. cURL trigger command.

cURL command format:

curl  -X POST "https://<JENKINS_URL>/buildByToken/buildWithParameters?" \
      --data "token=<AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN>" \
      --data "job=<JOB_NAME>" \
      --data "param_name1=param_value1"
      --data "param_name2=param_value2"

cURL command example:

curl  -X POST "https://my-jenkins-url/buildByToken/buildWithParameters?" \
      --data "token=dGVzdAo=" \
      --data "job=TEST_JOB" \
      --data "ENV=dev"



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Resolved by Jenkins-plugin "Maven Integration plugin"

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