root> configure
Entering configuration mode
The configuration has been changed but not committed
目前分類:JunOS (4)
- Nov 23 Mon 2015 14:43
如何還原Juniper SRX設定錯誤的config (假如沒有commit)
root@% cli
- Mar 01 Sun 2015 05:09
Which port is uplink from Juniper SRX240 to ISP gateway?
The interface ge-0/0/0 is uplink only.
- May 28 Wed 2014 13:20
[Juniper SRX3400] 如何看Firewall擋掉了哪些IP與Ports.
root@SRX-3400> show security flow cp-session source-prefix
- Jan 15 Wed 2014 17:55
Juniper SRX3400 阻擋某IP連到Management service(如:ssh, web, ftp, telnet)
# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone junos-host policy deny-man-traffic match source-address destination-address any application any
# set security policies from-zone untrust to-zone junos-host policy deny-man-traffic then deny